Thursday, December 6, 2012

"...I get by with a little help from my friends,"

Is It OK to Compete With My Friend for a Job?

After reading the short article "Is It OK to Compete With My Friend for a Job?" in the UpFront magazine a couple times, I definitely agree with the author because, in the end, it's your decision and it's how you see your friendship. The author's message was the importance of knowing how you value friendships because "After all, another job will come along. Harder to come by, perhaps, are people to laugh at your offbeat jokes and lend you 10 bucks for lunch,"  In this kind of situation, the "best" decision would be what YOU believe it is and how you value close friendships. Hopefully your friend will wish you well, but if not, you'd have a big choice in front of you. Like the author had said, would you still go through with the job if it means hindering your friendship? Great friends can be hard to come by at times, especially those described in the author's little joke.

To be forthright and completely honest, this short article made me think about friendship and the friendships I've made during my life so far. To be honest again, in this situation, I'm not one hundred percent certain what my choice might be in the future. I personally value friendship very highly, but like I had said before, I'm not sure what I would choose. I enjoy having close friends who help and know me, but still are friends with me even though they do know me. I might be sounding a bit cliché or like one of those loving family shows from the 80s and 90s, but I truly believe that. Overall, I believe this song fits in greatly with my topic because my friends and I have really helped each other and well, we get by with a little help from our friends. :)

It's interesting to think about what the future holds in store for all of us. We'll all be looking for jobs and chances are,
some of us we may very well be in this situation. I wonder what everyone's choice would be.


  1. Jan,
    I believe that I would be confused to compete with my friend for a job. I value my friendship a lot like you do too! I also do believe that my friends will wish me well in all I do with my life to if I had to compete in a job with them.
    Good post,

  2. I agree with Ava completely. I value, my job, but I also value friendship; it would be very confusing. I also agree that my friends would be nice about it and would wish me well. Good post Jan, and I liked your comment Ava.
